
Saturday, 1 June 2019

I'm a Level One Google Educator!!!!

I had my doubts about whether or not I could achieve this.  The word "exam" always sends me into a sweaty panic but, at the same time, I continue to torture myself until completing what it is I set to achieve.

After missing Thursday's DFI due to illness, I decided Friday was going to be the day.  Vicki had always said it's hard to find a spare 3 hours and I knew the longer I left it, the harder it was going to be to motivate myself.  I took the approach of not psyching my brain into it, I just surprised it by sitting down and logging on.  And 3 hours later it was done and I passed and I was happy. Go me!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome you! And doing it at home as well. Good on you. Thank you for all your contribution to the DFI and the group over the past three months.

