
Wednesday, 27 March 2019

DFI, 28th March 2019

A Fantastic learning day!  I'm so excited by what I've taken from today and I will definitely be using some ideas to take back into the classroom.

A key message I took away from today's session was: Create! Motivating our learners to engage with the curriculum. Never such truer words spoken and it's something we can so easily forget when we have so many boxes to tick.  This is my focus from here and beyond.

Live streaming - Hmmmmmm...seems like we are a long way away from this at Waitohu School.  I really see its benefits, but not sure if it is for me/us...yet.

I learnt a new shortcut today.  Ctrl K - insert link.  I will use this ALOT!

I signed up for my own Youtube channel today!- What a great way to embed playlists of certain things to make it safe for our students to watch without them clicking on something they shouldn't. Vicki showed me how to embed a music playlist onto my class website, so my students will be very excited to see this on Monday morning! I'm really looking forward to embedding more amazing things - like my animation below!


  1. Hi Kylie,

    I love your animation! I had missed the box to tick for the looping option - I'm going to go and look for that on mine now :)


  2. I totally agree with you, today's learning was very invigorating and I'm excited for our students and their learning.

  3. Hi Kylie,

    A great post. I'm so pleased you have learnt how to use Ctrl K - I do use it a lot. It's a great shortcut. I will also be using the Youtube playlist. This will be very helpful in my classroom. I hope you are ale to use these in your lessons during the week.


  4. Discovering ctrl-k is a great moment. I use it alot too. The animation looks cool as is the idea of building up the youtube playlists.

  5. HI, that's a awesome animation!
